Mapping the Growth of Transdisciplinary Partnerships Over Time in a Large Scientific Initiative
2014, Bobbi Carothers, International Network for Social Network Analysis

Network Analysis from Start to Finish: Techniques, Tools, and Tips for Evaluating Your Network
2014, Bobbi Carothers, American Evaluation Association

Enhance Evaluation Practice by Adding Simple Interactivity to PDFs: Examples at Different Stages of Evaluation
2014, Nikole Lobb Dougherty, American Evaluation Association

Assessing the Depth, Breadth, and Quality of Community Health Programming
2013, Caren Bacon, AEA

Partnership Success in Putnam County: Important Policy & Program Development Resulting from Community Collaboration
2013, Sara Hawkey, Institute for Public Health Conference

Tracking and Evaluation on the Individual and Enterprise Level
2013, Bobbi Carothers, VIVO

Building Capacity to Assess the Evidence for Health Policy Strategies
2013, Colleen Barbero, American Evaluation Association

Assessing the Quality of Obesity Prevention Policies
2013, Nikole Lobb Dougherty, Active Living Research

Characteristics of Successful Healthy Eating and Active Living Projects in Missouri
2013, Rachel Barth, Institute for Public Health Conference

Assessing the Quality of Local-Level Obesity Prevention Policies
2013, Nikole Lobb Dougherty, American Evaluation Association

Policy Processes & Networks: An Examination of the Diffusion of Smokefree Policies Throughout the Kansas City Area
2012, Sarah Moreland-Russell, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Effective Health Interventions: Making Data Work for Your Community
2012, Julianne Cyr & Stephanie Andersen, MFH Health Summit

Cost-Benefit Analysis: A How-To Guide for Tobacco Control Initiatives
2012, Sarah Shelton, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Putting CDC’s Best Practices Into Practice
2012, Laura Brossart, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Defining “Rural”: Implications for Tobacco Control
2012, Sarah Shelton & Amy Sorg, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Reaching the Gold Standard: Evaluating Tobacco Policies in K-12 Schools Using a Practical Assessment Tool
2012, Doneisha Snider, Coordinated School Health

Evaluating Tobacco Policies in Institutions of Higher Education Using a Practical Rating Tool
2012, Doneisha Snider, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Network Centralization and Predicting Dissemination of Evidence-Based Guidelines in Eight State Tobacco Control Networks
2012, Sarah Shelton, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Using Social Network Analysis to Evaluate Changes in Interdisciplinary Collaboration During a Clinical and Translational Science Award
2012, Bobbi Carothers, Science of Team Science

Does Rurality Matter in Partnership Development? Evaluating Differences in Rural and Urban Partnerships Among Obesity Prevention Projects
2012, Stephanie Andersen, American Evaluation Association

Obesity Prevention Through Policy: Rural and Urban Strategies
2012, Stephanie Andersen, Institute for Public Health

Promising Strategies: Snapshot of 2009/2010 PS Grantees
2012, Nikole Lobb Dougherty, MFH Health Summit

Using Concept Mapping to Develop an Agenda for Sustainability Research
2012, Douglas Luke and Annaliese Calhoun, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Sustainability Assessment: A Framework and Measurement Tool for Chronic Disease Programs
2011, Sarah Schell, National Institutes of Health Dissemination & Implementation

Reaching the Gold Standard: Evaluating Tobacco Policies in K-12 Schools & Institutions of High Education Using a Practical Assessment Tool
2011, Doneisha Snider, American Evaluation Association

Evaluating Tobacco Policies in Schools and Institutions of Higher Education in St. Louis County
2011, Colleen Barbero, Institute for Public Health

Web of Politics: Examining a Tobacco Control Policy Network Using Social Network Analysis
2011, Sarah Moreland-Russell, Political Networks Conference

Network Centralization and Predicting Dissemination of Evidence-Based Guidelines in Eight State Tobacco Control Networks
2011, Bobbi Carothers, Institute for Public Health

Network Centralization and the Dissemination of Evidence-Based Guidelines in Eight State Tobacco Control Networks
2011, Lana Wald, International Network for Social Network Analysis

Influences on the Implementation of Evidence-based Guidelines: Highlights from State Tobacco Control Programs
2011, Laura Bach, American Public Health Association

Influences on the Implementation of Evidence-Based Guidelines: Highlights from State Tobacco Control Programs
2011, Stephanie Herbers, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention S&E Net-Conference

Evaluating Guidelines Produced for Multi-Site or Multi-Level Programs
2011, Stephanie Herbers, American Evaluation Association

Building Relationships With Policymakers: Evaluating What Works in Rural and Urban Settings
2011, Nikole Lobb Dougherty, American Evaluation Association

Assessing the Strength of Community Health Programming: a New Tool for Evaluators
2010, Sarah Shelton, American Evaluation Association

Looking Beyond the Urban Core: an Examination of Tobacco Use in Rural Missouri
2010, Sarah Shelton, Institute for Public Health

Linking Efforts With Outcomes: the Strength of Community Health Programming Index
2010, Sarah Shelton, American Public Health Association

Evidence-Based Guidelines: Evaluating Diffusion in State Tobacco Control Programs
2010, Max Bryant, American Evaluation Association

What’s the Right Mix? Lessons Learned Using a Mixed-Methods Evaluation Approach
2010, Jessica Drennan, American Evaluation Association

A Recipe for Success: Lessons Learned for Using Qualitative Methods Across Project Teams
2010, Nancy Mueller, American Evaluation Association

Putting Best Practices Into Practice
2009, Douglas Luke, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Linking Program Efforts With Outcomes: the Strength of Community Health Programming Index
2009, Sarah Shelton, American Evaluation Association

Comparing Three Surveillance Methods Examining Tobacco Use in Missouri’s LGB Population
2009, Jenine Harris, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Was it Worth it? Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Multi-Component Tobacco Control Initiative
2009, Sarah Shelton, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Looking Beyond MSA: a Comprehensive Assessment of State Tobacco Control Funding
2009, Sarah Shelton, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Coffee and Cigarettes: an Assessment of the Bosnian Immigrant Community
2009, Stephanie Herbers, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Evidence-Based Guidelines: Moving from Dissemination to Implementation
2009, Stephanie Herbers, Centers for Disease Control S&E

Finding Common Ground: Implications of Diversity in Data Collection in a Multi-Site, Initiative Evaluation
2009, Virginia Houmes, American Evaluation Association

Building Evaluation Capacity: A Multi-Modal Approach
2008, Amy Sorg, American Evaluation Association

Tying it Together: Developing a Web-Based Data Collection…
2007, Stephanie Herbers, American Evaluation Association

Evaluation of a Statewide Educational Campaign to Build…
2007, Daniel Gentry, American Public Health Association