Translating for Impact: a free online toolkit for demonstrating the larger impact of your work
2024, Anna La Manna, Association for Clinical & Translational Sciences (ACTS) 2024 Conference

Translating for equity impact: A community engaged approach to integrate health equity into the Translational Science Benefits Model
2024, Mia LaBrier, Association for Clinical & Translational Sciences (ACTS) 2024 Conference

Key Metrics to Benchmark State-level Early Hearing Loss Detection and Intervention Programs
2024, Keshav Kumar & Veronica Chaitan, Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) 2024 Conference

Advancing the RealWorld Impacts of Implementation Science
2023, Vianca P. Cuevas Soulette, 15th Annual NIH AcademyHealth Conference on the Science of D&I in Health

Developing an Evidence-Based Survey Tool to Facilitate and Effectively Plan Technical Assistance Delivery
2022, Kim Prewitt, National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH)

CDC Best Practices User Guide: Putting Evidence into Practice
2022, Laura Brossart, National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH)

Translating Tobacco Retail Policy Evidence into Practice through an Academic-CommunityPartnership
2022, Laura Brossart, National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH)

Tobacco 21 evaluation: Tobacco retailers share opinions on local policy in Cincinnati, Ohio
2022, Veronica Chaitan, National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH)

Promoting Health Equity through Sustaining Comprehensive Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Efforts
2022, Kim Prewitt, National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH)

Best Practices User Guides supplement: Reducing Tobacco Use Disparities among Native Communities
2022, River Chew, National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH)

Promoting Health Equity with the Best Practices User Guides
2022, Laura Brossart, National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH)

Best Practices User Guide Tobacco Where You Live: Mapping Techniques
2022, Zara Petković, National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH)

Clinical Sustainability Assessment Tool (CSAT): A new tool to sustain cessation services in a clinical setting
2022, Kim Prewitt, National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH)

Tobacco Retailer Density and Proximity: What’s the difference and how to talk about it
2022, Todd Combs, CDC OSH National Tobacco Control Program Awardee Meeting

Best Practices User Guide: Putting Evidence into Practice in Tobacco Prevention and Control
2021, Rebecca Ballard, 14th Annual NIH AcademyHealth Conference on the Science of D&I in Health

Translating for Impact: A new toolkit for demonstrating the larger impact of your work
2021, Stephanie Andersen, 14th Annual NIH AcademyHealth Conference on the Science of D&I in Health

Tailoring evidence dissemination to preferences of tobacco control partners: Lessons from an academic-community partnership for tobacco control
2020, Virginia McKay, 13th Annual NIH AcademyHealth Conference on the Science of D&I in Health

Retail tobacco policy efforts and barriers to implementation in the US: Insights from local practitioners
2020, Stephanie Andersen, 13th Annual NIH AcademyHealth Conference on the Science of D&I in Health

Validating and enhancing the clinical sustainability assessment tool: A quick assessment for researchers and practitioners
2020, Sara Malone, 13th Annual NIH AcademyHealth Conference on the Science of D&I in Health

Translation and Validation of the Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale to Brazilian Portuguese: Challenges and Lessons Learned
2020, Bobbi Carothers, Ana Baumann, & Mariana Juras, ICTS Symposium 2020

Less text and more graphics: Dissemination preferences of tobacco control practitioners
2019, Stephanie Andersen, 12th Annual Conference on the Science of D&I in Health

The Clinical Sustainability Assessment Tool
2019, Sara Malone & Kim Prewitt, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Design principles for translating evidence into practice: Lessons learned from the Best Practices User Guides
2019, Stephanie Andersen, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

CDC Best Practices User Guide: Cessation in Tobacco Prevention and Control
2019, Stephanie Andersen, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Using Concept Mapping for Measure Development: Examples from Sustainability
2019, Sara Malone, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

The clinical sustainability assessment tool (CSAT): Assessing sustainability in clinical medicine settings
2018, Douglas Luke, Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health

To the Bench and Beyond
2018, Bobbi Carothers, Systematic Impact Tracking

Interactive Web-Based Applications for Network Analysis in Evaluation
2018, Bobbi Carothers, Emerging Tools and Technology in Evaluation

Design principles for translating evidence into practice: Lessons learned from the Best Practices User Guides
2018, Amy Endrizal & Rachel Hackett, Institute for Public Health Conference

Exploring Drivers of Scientific Collaboration
2017, Douglas Luke, Translational Research Evaluation Webinar

Health Communications in Tobacco Prevention and Control
2017, Isaiah Zoschke & Erin Foster, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs User Guide Series
2017, Stephanie Andersen & Laura Brossart, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Tobacco Town: Comparing Retail-Focused Tobacco Policy Impacts Across Contexts Through Computational Modeling
2017, Todd Combs, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Program Sustainability Assessment and Planning with Statewide Tobacco Control Efforts
2017, Kim Prewitt, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

State & Community Retail Policy
2016, Todd Combs, ASPiRE St. Louis Meeting

Using NVivo for Large-Scale Public Health Literature Reviews: Lessons from the Best Practices User Guide Project
2016, Erin Foster, Institute for Public Health Conference

Using Participatory Methods to Develop and Implement an Evaluation for the Raising St. Louis Early Childhood Initiative
2016, Nikole Lobb Dougherty, American Public Health Association

Utilizing Participatory Methods to Inform an Evaluation Plan for the Raising St. Louis Early Childhood Initiative
2016, Nikole Lobb Dougherty, American Public Health Association

Tobacco Town: Computational Modeling for Studying Retailer Density Reduction Strategies
2016, Douglas Luke & Ross Hammond, ASPiRE St. Louis Meeting

State-Level Point-of-Sale Policy 2012-2014: Getting up to Speed
2015, Todd Combs, ASPiRE Meeting

How New York City Raised the MLSA to 21 and Fought Cheap Tobacco: a Case Study
2015, Jason Roche, State and Community Tobacco Control Research Conference

Tobacco Town: Modeling the Effects of Tobacco Retailer Reduction
2015, Douglas Luke, State and Community Tobacco Control Research Conference

Bridging the Gap Between Research and Implementation: Disseminating the Tobacco Control Guide Series
2015, Stephanie Andersen, Dissemination & Implementation

The Evidence Basis for Workplace Health Promotion Policy Components
2015, Sharada Shantharam, The Art and Science of Health Promotion

Evaluating Outreach & Enrollment Grant Activities
2015, Bobbie Carothers, CMS Outreach & Enrollment Webinar

Network Analysis: Data Wrangling for Evaluators Familiar with SNA
2015, Bobbi Carothers, American Evaluation Association Coffee Break Webinar

Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice: Disseminating the Tobacco Control Guide Series
2014, Stephanie Andersen, Institute for Public Health Conference