Welcome to the data entry website for Missouri Foundation for Health’s (MFH’s) Expanding Coverage through Consumer Assistance (ECTCA) Program. Here you will find the links to the online data entry system and pertinent information regarding data collection and data entry.
Who Enters the Data?
Monthly Data Reporting: MFH grant recipients
Weekly Data Reporting: MFH grant recipients and Contracted Partners
Enrollment Counseling Session Reporting: Certified Application Counselors (CACs)
Regional Hub Reporting: MFH Regional Hub grant recipients
Important Note: Only MFH grant recipients, Contracted Partners, and CACs are responsible for entering information directly into the online data system. MFH grant recipients are responsible for collecting and entering any necessary information from Partners who assisted in implementing ECTCA program activities.
Resources for the ECTCA Evaluation:
- Core Data Set Manual (revised 8/6/18)
- Paper Tracking Forms (revised 8/1/16)
- Monthly Reporting
- Weekly Reporting (revised 8/1/16)
- Enrollment Counseling Session Reporting (revised 2/3/17)
- Regional Hub Monthly Reporting
- Reporting Special Events (revised 8/1/16)
Please direct any questions regarding the ECTCA program evaluation and online data collection system to:
Caren Bacon
Project Coordinator
Center for Public Health Systems Science
(314) 935-3746