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Website Launch for Translational Science Benefits Model

A cross-disciplinary team, which includes members of the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences and the Bernard Becker Medical Library at the Washington University School of Medicine and the Center for Public Health Systems Science at Washington University’s Brown School, is pleased to share news of the launch of a new website: The site was created to educate those interested and engaged in clinical and translational science about The Translational Science Benefits Model, a new framework for assessing the health and societal benefits of clinical and translational science. The framework was developed to help researchers, administrators, and policymakers measure the impact of their work in four distinct domains: Clinical, Community, Economic, and Policy.

The team identified 30 tangible benefits-or indicators-that come from clinical and translational science research. Clinical benefits include new biomedical technologies and therapeutic procedures; community benefits include health education resources and improved access to health care; economic benefits include increased cost effectiveness and new commercial entities; and policy benefits include legislation and organizational policies.

The new website includes:

  • an explanation of the Translational Science Benefits Model framework, including an animated video
  • resources and guidance for each of the 30 indicators
  • case studies showing the path from research to real-world impact
  • a checklist scientists can use to demonstrate the impact of their work

Check out our animated video showing translational science from research to impact.

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