Clinical Sustainability Assessment Tool

With funding from the Center for Dissemination and Implementation at the Institute for Public Health, CPHSS used concept mapping and expert input to adapt the Program Sustainability Assessment Tool (CSAT) (available at for use in a clinical setting. Our work has established a new method and resource for measuring sustainability of evidence-based practices in clinical settings by developing a clinical sustainability assessment tool. Without sustaining effective practices over time, we risk not being able to see the full return on our nation’s investment in clinical and translational science.
With pilot funds from Washington University’s Implementation Science Center for Cancer Control (ISC3), we tested and refined the CSAT in a sample of clinical care settings to establish the reliability and validity of the measure. Results from the assessment can be used by clinical and healthcare settings to plan for and implement changes within their organization. We are also creating a tailored report based on clinic administrator and staff preferences elicited through focus groups.
Funder: Center for Dissemination and Implementation at the Institute for Public Health
Staff Contact: Kim Prewitt
Project Duration: 2017-present
Methods or Strategies Used
Project Publications

Clinical Sustainability Assessment Tool (CSAT): A new tool to sustain cessation services in a clinical setting
2022, Kim Prewitt, National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH)

Connecting Clinical Capacity and Intervention Sustainability in Resource-Variable Pediatric Oncology Centers in Latin America
McKay V, Chen Y, Prewitt K, Malone S, Puerto-Torres M, Acuña-Aguirre C, Alfonso-Carreras Y, Alvarez-Arellano SY, Andrade-Sarmiento LA, Arce-Cabrera D, Argüello-Vargas D, Barragán-García MDC, Batista-Del-Cid R, Blasco-Arriaga EE, Cach-Castaneda MDC, Ceballo-Batista GI, Chávez-Rios M, Costa ME, Cuencio-Rodriguez ME, Diaz-Coronado R, Fing-Soto EA, García-Sarmiento TDJ, Gómez-García WC, Hernández-González CJ, Jimenez-Antolinez YV, Juarez-Tobias MS, León-López EM, Lopez-Facundo NA, Martínez Soria RA, Miralda-Méndez ST, Montalvo E, Pérez-Alvarado CM, Perez-Fermin CK, Quijano-Lievano ML, Salas-Mendoza B, Sanchez-Fuentes EE, Serrano-Landivar MX, Soto-Chavez V, Tejocote-Romero I, Valle S, Vasquez-Roman EA, Texeira Costa J, Cardenas-Aguirre A, Devidas M, Luke DA & Agulnik A. (2023). Global Implementation Research and Applications.

CritCom: assessment of quality of interdisciplinary communication around deterioration in pediatric oncologic patients
Rivera J, Malone S, Puerto-Torres M, Prewitt K, Counts L, Wiphatphumiprates P, Sakaan F, Zebin A, Bhattacharyya P, Gunasekera S, Johnson S, Kambugu J, Kaye EC, Mandrell B, Mack J, McArthur J, Mendez A, Morrissey L, Sharara-Chami R, Snaman J, Sniderman E, Luke DA, Graetz DE, and Agulnik A. (2023). Frontiers in Oncology. Sec. Pediatric Oncology.

Reliability and validity of a Spanish-language measure assessing clinical capacity to sustain Paediatric Early Warning Systems (PEWS) in resource-limited hospitals
Agulnik, A., Malone, S., Puerto-Torres, M., Gonzalez-Ruiz, A., Vedaraju, Y., Wang, H., Graetz, D., Prewitt, K., Villegas, C., Cardenas-Aguierre, A., Acuna, C., Arana, A.E., Díaz, R., Espinoza, S., Guerrero, K., Martínez, A., Mendez, A., Montalvo, E., Soberanis, D., Torelli, A., Quelal, J., Villaneuva, E., Devidas, M., Luke, D., & McKay, V. (2021) BMJ Open.

The clinical sustainability assessment tool (CSAT): Assessing sustainability in clinical medicine settings
2018, Douglas Luke, Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health

The Clinical Sustainability Assessment Tool: measuring organizational capacity to promote sustainability in healthcare
Malone, S., Prewitt, K., Hackett, R., Lin, J.C., McKay, V., Walsh-Bailey, C., & Luke, D. (2021). Implementation Science Communications.

Using Concept Mapping for Measure Development: Examples from Sustainability
2019, Sara Malone, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Validating and enhancing the clinical sustainability assessment tool: A quick assessment for researchers and practitioners
2020, Sara Malone, 13th Annual NIH AcademyHealth Conference on the Science of D&I in Health