Bridging the Gap Between Research and Implementation: Disseminating the Tobacco Control Guide Series
2015, Stephanie Andersen, Dissemination & Implementation

Evaluating Outreach & Enrollment Grant Activities
2015, Bobbie Carothers, CMS Outreach & Enrollment Webinar

How New York City Raised the MLSA to 21 and Fought Cheap Tobacco: a Case Study
2015, Jason Roche, State and Community Tobacco Control Research Conference

Network Analysis: Data Wrangling for Evaluators Familiar with SNA
2015, Bobbi Carothers, American Evaluation Association Coffee Break Webinar

State-Level Point-of-Sale Policy 2012-2014: Getting up to Speed
2015, Todd Combs, ASPiRE Meeting

The Evidence Basis for Workplace Health Promotion Policy Components
2015, Sharada Shantharam, The Art and Science of Health Promotion

Tobacco Town: Modeling the Effects of Tobacco Retailer Reduction
2015, Douglas Luke, State and Community Tobacco Control Research Conference