Assessing the Depth, Breadth, and Quality of Community Health Programming
2013, Caren Bacon, AEA

Assessing the Quality of Local-Level Obesity Prevention Policies
2013, Nikole Lobb Dougherty, American Evaluation Association

Assessing the Quality of Obesity Prevention Policies
2013, Nikole Lobb Dougherty, Active Living Research

Building Capacity to Assess the Evidence for Health Policy Strategies
2013, Colleen Barbero, American Evaluation Association

Characteristics of Successful Healthy Eating and Active Living Projects in Missouri
2013, Rachel Barth, Institute for Public Health Conference

Partnership Success in Putnam County: Important Policy & Program Development Resulting from Community Collaboration
2013, Sara Hawkey, Institute for Public Health Conference

Tracking and Evaluation on the Individual and Enterprise Level
2013, Bobbi Carothers, VIVO