Cost-Benefit Analysis: A How-To Guide for Tobacco Control Initiatives
2012, Sarah Shelton, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Defining “Rural”: Implications for Tobacco Control
2012, Sarah Shelton & Amy Sorg, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Does Rurality Matter in Partnership Development? Evaluating Differences in Rural and Urban Partnerships Among Obesity Prevention Projects
2012, Stephanie Andersen, American Evaluation Association

Effective Health Interventions: Making Data Work for Your Community
2012, Julianne Cyr & Stephanie Andersen, MFH Health Summit

Evaluating Tobacco Policies in Institutions of Higher Education Using a Practical Rating Tool
2012, Doneisha Snider, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Network Centralization and Predicting Dissemination of Evidence-Based Guidelines in Eight State Tobacco Control Networks
2012, Sarah Shelton, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Obesity Prevention Through Policy: Rural and Urban Strategies
2012, Stephanie Andersen, Institute for Public Health

Policy Processes & Networks: An Examination of the Diffusion of Smokefree Policies Throughout the Kansas City Area
2012, Sarah Moreland-Russell, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Promising Strategies: Snapshot of 2009/2010 PS Grantees
2012, Nikole Lobb Dougherty, MFH Health Summit

Putting CDC’s Best Practices Into Practice
2012, Laura Brossart, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Reaching the Gold Standard: Evaluating Tobacco Policies in K-12 Schools Using a Practical Assessment Tool
2012, Doneisha Snider, Coordinated School Health

Using Concept Mapping to Develop an Agenda for Sustainability Research
2012, Douglas Luke and Annaliese Calhoun, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Using Social Network Analysis to Evaluate Changes in Interdisciplinary Collaboration During a Clinical and Translational Science Award
2012, Bobbi Carothers, Science of Team Science