Presentations & Posters

How New York City Raised the MLSA to 21 and Fought Cheap Tobacco: a Case Study
2015, Jason Roche, State and Community Tobacco Control Research Conference

Retail tobacco policy efforts and barriers to implementation in the US: Insights from local practitioners
2020, Stephanie Andersen, 13th Annual NIH AcademyHealth Conference on the Science of D&I in Health

State & Community Retail Policy
2016, Todd Combs, ASPiRE St. Louis Meeting

State-Level Point-of-Sale Policy 2012-2014: Getting up to Speed
2015, Todd Combs, ASPiRE Meeting

Tailoring evidence dissemination to preferences of tobacco control partners: Lessons from an academic-community partnership for tobacco control
2020, Virginia McKay, 13th Annual NIH AcademyHealth Conference on the Science of D&I in Health

Tobacco Retailer Density and Proximity: What’s the difference and how to talk about it
2022, Todd Combs, CDC OSH National Tobacco Control Program Awardee Meeting

Tobacco Town: Computational Modeling for Studying Retailer Density Reduction Strategies
2016, Douglas Luke & Ross Hammond, ASPiRE St. Louis Meeting