Rural Communities Opioid Response Program

CPHSS is collaborating with Prevent+Ed to evaluate their Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) grants. The RCORP is a multi-year initiative that addresses barriers to treatment for substance use disorder/opioid use disorder. In 2019, Prevent+Ed was awarded a one year RCORP – Planning grant. The goal of Prevent+Ed’s RCORP – Planning grant was to create a strategic plan, workforce plan, and capacity in Franklin County to address the community-specific needs in preventing and reducing opioid use and increase treatment and recovery services. CPHSS worked with Prevent+Ed and the Franklin County Consortium to conduct an environmental scan which included developing and administering a survey and developing a focus group guide and conducting a thematic analysis of the data. In 2020, the partnership between CPHSS and Prevent+Ed continued with Prevent+Ed’s RCORP – Implementation grant. Prevent+Ed’s RCORP – Implementation grant is a three year grant with the goal to reduce the number of overdose deaths in Franklin County, Missouri. CPHSS is conducting secondary data analysis, conducting a thematic analysis of focus group data, consulting on the development of training/event evaluation forms, analysis of their Certified Peer Specialist program, conducting a multi-wave opioid perceptions survey, and developing dissemination products to share lessons learned with the Franklin County Consortium and Community.
Project Publications
Funder: Prevent+Ed Staff Contact: Caren Bacon Project Duration: 2019-present