User Guides

Since 2008, CPHSS has worked with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Office on Smoking and Health to develop a set of companion user guides for CDC’s Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs. User Guides help fill the gap between research and practice by translating Best Practices guidelines into evidence-based strategies and practical guidance that can be used by communities working to decrease tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure. Our writing team bases its recommendations on scientific evidence, literature reviews, case studies, and input from tobacco control experts.
Published user guides include Coalitions, Youth Engagement, Health Equity, Program Infrastructure, and Health Communications, a 2019 update to Youth Engagement, Cessation, Partnerships, and Putting Evidence into Practice.
Funder: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Staff Contact: Zara Petković
Project Duration: 2008-present
Methods or Strategies Used
Project Publications
CDC Best Practices User Guide: Putting Evidence into Practice
2022, Laura Brossart, National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH)
Best Practices User Guides supplement: Reducing Tobacco Use Disparities among Native Communities
2022, River Chew, National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH)
Promoting Health Equity with the Best Practices User Guides
2022, Laura Brossart, National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH)
Best Practices User Guide Tobacco Where You Live: Mapping Techniques
2022, Zara Petković, National Conference on Tobacco or Health (NCTOH)
Best Practices User Guide: Putting Evidence into Practice in Tobacco Prevention and Control
2021, Rebecca Ballard, 14th Annual NIH AcademyHealth Conference on the Science of D&I in Health
Design principles for translating evidence into practice: Lessons learned from the Best Practices User Guides
2019, Stephanie Andersen, National Conference on Tobacco or Health
CDC Best Practices User Guide: Cessation in Tobacco Prevention and Control
2019, Stephanie Andersen, National Conference on Tobacco or Health
Design principles for translating evidence into practice: Lessons learned from the Best Practices User Guides
2018, Amy Endrizal & Rachel Hackett, Institute for Public Health Conference
Health Communications in Tobacco Prevention and Control
2017, Isaiah Zoschke & Erin Foster, National Conference on Tobacco or Health
Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs User Guide Series
2017, Stephanie Andersen & Laura Brossart, National Conference on Tobacco or Health
Using NVivo for Large-Scale Public Health Literature Reviews: Lessons from the Best Practices User Guide Project
2016, Erin Foster, Institute for Public Health Conference
Bridging the Gap Between Research and Implementation: Disseminating the Tobacco Control Guide Series
2015, Stephanie Andersen, Dissemination & Implementation
Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice: Disseminating the Tobacco Control Guide Series
2014, Stephanie Andersen, Institute for Public Health Conference