CPHSS affiliate faculty and staff are key collaborators on current projects.

Asya Agulnik

Asya Agulnik

Associate Member, St. Jude Faculty; Director, Global Critical Care Program, St. Jude Global; Director, Euro Regional Program, St. Jude Global

Ellis Ballard

Ellis Ballard

Assistant Professor of Practice, Brown School, WUSTL

Ross Brownson

Ross Brownson

Steven H. and Susan U. Lipstein Distinguished Professor, Brown School, WUSTL

Christina Buckel

Christina Buckel

ICTS Associate Director, Operations, WUSTL

Patrick Fowler

Patrick Fowler

Associate Professor and Director, Doctoral Program in Public Health Sciences, Brown School, WUSTL

Elvin Geng

Elvin Geng

Director, Center for Dissemination & Implementation and Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine, WUSTL

Shelley Golden

Shelley Golden

Associate Professor and Vice Chair for Academic Affairs, Department of Health Behavior, University of North Carolina

Ross Hammond

Ross Hammond

Betty Bofinger Brown Distinguished Professor of Public Health, Brown School, WUSTL

Lisa Henriksen

Lisa Henriksen

Senior Research Scientist, Stanford Prevention Research Center, Stanford University

Betsy Keath

Betsy Keath

Associate Professor of Medicine and Translational Research Program Officer, School of Medicine, WUSTL

Patricia L Kohl

Patricia L Kohl

Associate Professor, Brown School, WUSTL

Amanda Kong

Amanda Kong

Assistant Professor, Health Promotion Research Center, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Sara Malone

Sara Malone

Instructor of Surgery, School of Medicine, WUSTL

Sarah Mills

Sarah Mills

Assistant Professor, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Sarah Moreland-Russell

Sarah Moreland-Russell

Associate Professor of Practice, Brown School, WUSTL

Alexandra Morshed

Alexandra Morshed

Assistant Professor, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University

Tim Poor

Tim Poor

Publications Editor, Health Communication Research Laboratory, Brown School, WUSTL

Judith (Jody) Prochaska

Judith (Jody) Prochaska

Senior Associate Vice Provost, Clinical Research Governance and Professor of Medicine, Stanford Prevention Research Center, Stanford University

Enola Proctor

Enola Proctor

Shanti K. Khinduka Distinguished Professor (2014-2018), Brown School, WUSTL

Beth Prusaczyk

Beth Prusaczyk

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of General Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, WUSTL

Kurt Ribisl

Kurt Ribisl

Professor and Department Chair, Department of Health Behavior, University of North Carolina

Cathy Sarli

Cathy Sarli

Senior Librarian, Bernard Becker Medical Library, School of Medicine, WUSTL

Amy Suiter

Amy Suiter

Research Support Librarian, Bernard Becker Medical Library, School of Medicine, WUSTL

Manny Tetteh

Manny Tetteh

Research Assistant Professor

Ed Tsai

Ed Tsai

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Division of Public Health Sciences, School of Medicine, WUSTL