Coffee and Cigarettes: an Assessment of the Bosnian Immigrant Community
2009, Stephanie Herbers, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Comparing Three Surveillance Methods Examining Tobacco Use in Missouri’s LGB Population
2009, Jenine Harris, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Evidence-Based Guidelines: Moving from Dissemination to Implementation
2009, Stephanie Herbers, Centers for Disease Control S&E

Finding Common Ground: Implications of Diversity in Data Collection in a Multi-Site, Initiative Evaluation
2009, Virginia Houmes, American Evaluation Association

Linking Program Efforts With Outcomes: the Strength of Community Health Programming Index
2009, Sarah Shelton, American Evaluation Association

Looking Beyond MSA: a Comprehensive Assessment of State Tobacco Control Funding
2009, Sarah Shelton, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Putting Best Practices Into Practice
2009, Douglas Luke, National Conference on Tobacco or Health

Was it Worth it? Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Multi-Component Tobacco Control Initiative
2009, Sarah Shelton, National Conference on Tobacco or Health